New Cafeteria Payment System
Richardson ISD has implemented a new school cafeteria payment system for 2023-24, called SchoolCafe, and will no longer be using the PayPams service. Any existing balances in PayPams will automatically be transferred to SchoolCafe once a returning family creates a SchoolCafe account. All RISD families who plan to use school cafeterias for student meals in the coming school year should create a SchoolCafe account.
For more information click here
Wallace 101
Welcome to Wallace! We are so glad you're here. Here are a few terms that you will hear while you're on or around campus. Hopefully this overview will help you settle right in.
ADEC: All District Elementary Choir
Arts and Literacy Night: Annual PTA-sponsored event in March where students and their families are invited to a showcase of every student’s artwork on display as well as an evening full of literacy activities for the whole family.
Auction: Annual fundraising event hosted by the Wallace PTA to raise funds to provide materials and support to our students, classrooms, and school.
Book Fair: A fundraiser organized by the PTA and held in the library, where students create a “wish list” and then have opportunities to shop for items. Usually held twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring.
Clap Out: This takes place on the last day of school each year. Students and parents line the halls of the school and clap and cheer as the graduating class walks the halls of Wallace one final time before moving on to Lake Highlands Middle School.
Chili Cook-Off: An annual event sponsored by the Wallace Dad’s Club in which dads compete to see whose chili reigns supreme.
Clothes Closet: RISD Council of PTAs clothing donation program.
Dad’s Club: A group comprised of Wallace Elementary dads that supports the school in various ways, hosts the Annual Chili Cook-Off, and organizes Wallace’s Annual Wolf Games.
Donuts with Grownups: PTA-sponsored event that takes place in the fall. Students and their grownup(s) are invited to enjoy donuts before school.
Fourth Grade Fundraising - The fourth grade class spends a lot of time fundraising for a grade-wide field trip they will take in fifth grade. The past several years it has been an overnight stay at the Dallas Arboretum.
GLC: Grade Level Coordinator — individual who acts as the liaison between parents and teachers in a specific grade to coordinate grade-wide needs, communicate about field trips and upcoming grade-level events, oversees room parents, and teacher gifts.
Holiday Singalong: A fun musical event each December where parents and family members are invited to attend and sing along to some holiday favorites.
Hoops in the Highlands: A 3-on-3 basketball tournament to raise money for the PTAs of Lake Highlands Middle School, Northlake Elementary, Wallace Elementary, Lake Highlands Elementary, and Thurgood Marshall schools.
KWAL: Wallace's student-led news station.
Kickball Trading Cards: Cards featuring Wallace teachers and staff sold before and after school in the days leading up to the Wallace vs. LHE Kickball game. This fifth-grade fundraiser is a fun Wallace tradition that creates excitement for the game.
Membership Toolkit: The PTA website where you can purchase spirit wear, volunteer, find the student directory, and get the low down on what’s happening at Wallace.
Multicultural Night: A PTA-sponsored night celebrating the many cultures represented at Wallace through food, dancing, dress, and activities.
Popsicle Pop-In: Annual back-to-school event where students and their families are invited to meet their teachers, pick up spirit wear, drop off school supplies, and enjoy a popsicle just prior to the first day of school.
PTA: Parent Teacher Association
Raptor: Software RISD uses to track and screen visitors to all schools within the district. Bring your drivers license anytime you visit the school!
REACH: RISD gifted and talented program.
Reflections: PTA arts program.
Room parent: A representative for each class to help coordinate classroom needs and volunteers.
School Cafe: Online service that allows parents to pay for cafeteria accounts and check up on what their kids are buying in the cafeteria.
Senior breakfast: A PTA-sponsored event each May, where we welcome back all of the high school seniors who once attended Wallace for one last breakfast and celebration before they graduate.
Spirit wear: All of the Wallace-branded gear your family loves and loves to wear that can be purchased in the Wallace Shop.
Spring Market: Annual fundraising event organized by Wallace’s 4th grade parents to benefit the 4th grade class. This event is a community-wide market with local vendors who set up booths at Wallace.
Staff Yard Signs: Signs made annually to celebrate teachers or teacher groups during Teacher Appreciation Week. Volunteers make these signs and then leave them in front of the school to celebrate the teachers and staff.
STAAR: State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness
Talent Show: Annual PTA-sponsored event where students show off talents of their choice.
Teacher Appreciation Week: A PTA-led week in the spring where we celebrate the teachers and staff all week long.
The Parent Howl: The principal's weekly parent e-newsletter.
Thursday Folders: Folders sent home with your student each Thursday with important flyers, information, and paperwork. You keep the paperwork at home and return the folder to school.
Voly: Every volunteer on an RISD campus, must create an account with Voly. Background checks can take several days to come back, so create your account early!
Wallace Wolf Pups: Monthly program for incoming pre-K and Kindergarten students and their families to visit the campus and experience a different aspect of Wallace (art, music, garden, library, etc) before they are officially students.
Wallace vs. LHE Kickball Game: An annual kickball game between members of the Wallace and Lake Highlands Elementary staff that serves as a fundraiser for the fifth grade classes at each school. The two schools trade off hosting the event.
WE: Wallace Elementary
Wonder Wolves-Wallace Volunteer Group that support the teachers and staff with administrative tasks and mentor students throughout the year.
Wolf Games: An annual field day event organized by the Dad’s Club each May, where students participate in a variety of outdoor fun and games.
Wolf Packs: All Wallace staff and students are "sorted" (Harry Potter-style) into one of four Wolf Packs: Arctic Wolves, Timber Wolves, Red Wolves, or Grey Wolves. Packs hold friendly competitions throughout the year to promote teamwork and pack spirit.
Wolf Ticket: A reward given to students by staff when students are caught doing something exceptionally well. Wolf Tickets are used to earn prizes throughout the year.
xPlore: RISD before and after school program on the Wallace Elementary campus.
School Contacts
Tonya Anderson
Bobbie Eccher
Assistant Principal
Martha Rocio Villarreal
Assistant Principal
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