Dad’s Club
The Wallace Dad's Club is a volunteer organization comprised of "dads" who have children attending Wallace Elementary School. Anyone who plays a father-figure in a student's life is encouraged to join!
What is the focus of the Dad's Club?
The focus of the Dad's Club is to assist in school activities and promote the engagement of dads in the PTA. This includes participation in school fundraisers, social events, and assisting in morning traffic safety (Safety Patrol).
Why Join the Dad’s Club?
The Price is Right!!! It’s free, rewarding, and most importantly you are involved with your child’s school. Your child loves to see you up at the school and involved in all of their activities. It is also a great way to meet other Wallace dads and get plugged in to the Wallace community.
What does the Dad’s Club do?
Working with the Principal and the PTA, the Dad's Club helps organize, participate in, and set-up for school activities and PTA programs. Activities have included Wolf Games (field day), morning crosswalk, Hoops in the Highlands, and raising money for improvements to the basketball courts. The Dad's Club also sponsors the annual Chili Cook-Off. The funds raised from this event pay for an appreciation lunch for the Safety Patrol kids at the end of the school year.
Want to be involved? Be sure to sign up at Popsicle Pop-In in August, or email Luke Altmeyer for more information.
School Contacts
Tonya Anderson
Bobbie Eccher
Assistant Principal
Martha Rocio Villarreal
Assistant Principal
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